Akira Otsubo
大坪 晶
For a landscape picture to be perceived as a so-called landscape, it must be connected to our memory. It is impossible to perceive something we have never seen. Landscape imagery is a phenomenon that arises from our various memories. A memory can be a unique memory, such as the landscape our parents took us to see when we were children, or it can be a fixed impression that is repeatedly rubbed into us through a medium.
Therefore, looking at landscapes is a way of re-encountering individual and collective memories. In this project, I decided to consider the relationship between subject and object, perception and recollection, based on the video of the landscape and the images taken by following the objects.
2023 “風景にふれる” ブルームギャラリー(大阪)
2023 “カーテンの向こう側” N project(大阪)
2020 “Grayscale” ブルームギャラリー(大阪)
2023 “VAVOOMVOOM!” UM Gallery, UMPRUM (プラハ、チェコ共和国)
2021 浅間国際フォトフェスティバル, 小諸城址懐古園 武器庫(長野)
-2021 “Foreign Land, Same Sky”, Japan and Korea University Photography Invitational Exhibition at Shandong University of
Art & Design Museum (Jinan, 中国)
2020 トーキョーアーツアンドスペース レジデンス2020 成果発表展「デイジーチェーン」 TOKAS本郷(東京)